The Dark Side of Birding
I am shocked, shocked I say. [well, that's better
than..."dark and stormy night."] As I mentioned
in a previous post, I was beginning to read Julie's
Letters from Eden. Little did I realize that I was
about to see the dark side of birding.
Within the first seven pages I read that on Julie's
daily walks she just happened to find dead bodies....
Birding --- and dead bodies? The Swami believes
that he may swoon. The Swami's wife [known
affectionately as The Swamette] was preparing to
fan him with a catalog when up on the rooftop what
should appear... oops, wrong thing appeared. Whatever
appeared, The Swamette said, "LOOK, LOOK."
"WHAT, WHAT," I replied. [there's an echo in
the Swami's cave] . The Swamette had spotted Julie
Zickefoose's name on two items in the Summer
2006 National Wildlife catalog. (see photo below)
So, is Julie trying to conceal these items from her fans.
Me thinks (occasionally) that perhaps she only wanted
her immediate family to be snappily dressed.

The Swami takes solace only in that the sweaters
were not embroidered with half a possum.
And as Pervez Musharraf might say: If you
don't get the previous sentence, buy Julie's book!
FYI, the link is already there when you post a comment, for instance on Julie's blog. Thanks for spreading humor pellets wherever you go....
I'm glad you got your book, Swami and Swamette!! Please don't reveal all the prosaic things I do for daily bread!
(singsong) Swami's gettin' comments! Swami's gettin' comments!
Humor pellets...that's funny.
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