Yak Herder Central

Yak Herder and his trusty(?) altered ego, The Swami, are content to provide little content of their own, but delight in providing "helpful" commentary to the blogs of others ....ALL THE NEWS THAT'S FAIRLY UNBALANCED

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Will Trump Reunite...?

It has been brought to the Swami's attention that his attention to his blog has been less than optimal. But in my defense, it has also been less than three years since my last post. Perhaps more far importantly, The Swami has been heavily medicated since Jan. 20, 2017.

The Swami has, at least briefly, come out of his stupor his retirement to urge those seeking to reunite parents with their ICE-abducted children to take on a far more difficult task after they complete this job.  Use DNA and any other method to try and find the conscience which Donald Trump has never met.  Perhaps they were given up for adoption at birth or perhaps on his home planet such things were unknown.

The Swami and his trusted friend, Zak the Yak, would like to see a national campaign on milk cartons asking: Have You Seen Donald Trump's Conscience?